King of Hearts
stranger king was ever born than on that winter night,
commoners away from home with livestock at their side.
The King
of all creation had departed from the womb.
The world
hardly noticed for it hadn’t any room.
Born to
seek the low and lost, He sought no earthly throne.
stranger to the ones He loved, He walked the earth alone.
Born to
set His “kingdom come” upon the hearts of men.
Born to
seek the prodigals and bring them home again.
enough, the ones he sought would kill Him on a tree.
still He knew and chose the cross to set them free.
Savior to the world of men departed from the tomb.
Now one
heart at a time He asks, “Have you any room?”
Very clever!
Thank you for posting so clearly the gospel message! I wanted to share with you and Leah that I have been processing through "The Message of the Cross" and have come to some new thoughts about it that I think you were saying but it took me time to see it. Sharing in Christ's sufferings and taking up our cross is not just limited to areas of temptation like my money and time but our complete old nature- anything that is not in our new nature in Christ. In the study we focused on "deny himself and take up his cross daily" yet I saw this truth in the next verse that "whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it" (Luke 9:23-24). Our life is what needs to die at the cross- a complete contrast to our old nature and the world's view of trying to save it through all other means. This includes my career, academics, job, time, everything that is "life" in this world but is empty. And these things are not necessarily temptations or sins but they are a part of our cross to deny ourselves to truly find life. It is not a surrender of these things but actual death- and the joy that comes with this suffering of these things dying really does come as Heb 12:1-2 describes because there is freedom. I don't have to worry about the next day because He is in charge. It is a daily effort though to live as a New Creation in Christ but He is working on me and giving more grace. I hope you and your family have a wonderful week! :) -Katie
Thank you very much for sharing what that study has meant to you. It is an exceptional encouragement to me to continue diligently sharing this way. I consistently find myself learning as much and more than I share.
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